Learn to roleplay in the gritty cinematic universe of City of Mist, where myths and legends become comic book detectives and vigilantes
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Starter Box is shipping - Update your Addresses!
about 4 years ago
– Mon, Nov 09, 2020 at 06:57:23 AM
Hello there legendary essences in flesh-and-blood bodies!
It’s the 7th, and we have a lot to cover, so let’s get right to it:
First Wave Shipping - Update Your Address!
At the end of this month, we will begin shipping the Starter Box, the Extra Characters Pack, the Core Books, the accessories, and the dice. (We are not yet shipping Nights of Payne Town or Shadows & Showdowns). Today, those of you expecting these items will receive an email from BackerKit, the pledge manager, asking you to update your addresses if needed. You can also do it here: https://city-of-mist-rpg-the-starter-box.backerkit.com/
If you need to update your address, please do so by next Saturday, November 14th. For any questions, contact us by message here or email us at [email protected].
Nights of Payne Town #6: The Alchemist
If you backed for Nights of Payne Town, check your DriveThruRPG library - we have just updated the NoPT file to include the 6th case of Nights of Payne Town: The Alchemist! This case is the culmination of the Mystical Vein, where your crew will confront the main villain of the sub-arc. It describes the strange mansion lair of this alchemist arch-villain, perfect for a cinematic "dungeon crawl" or heist-style game, and can be played as a one-shot or as a direct continuation of the last case we released, Cult of the God-King.
Next up is the Criminal Vein, where a freedom fighter turned crime lord takes on the City and the Gatekeepers themselves! Which side will your crew pick?
Shadows & Showdowns is 100% published in PDF, ready for print
Nights of Payne Town is 60% published in PDF with 100% development, playtesting, and art completed, leaving some writing, editing, and layout work on the final 40%
Once we complete NoPT, we’ll print both books, the crime board map, and the slipcase. At the current rate, this is estimated to ship in February 2021.
Help Us Grow The Game!
The new Starter Box is a great way to introduce new players to the game. If you have friends in the hobby that are looking for a new game to try - whether role-players, board gamers, or video gamers - let them know about City of Mist and the new Starter Box. The set includes booklets, characters, tokens, maps, cards, and dice and currently sells for $29.95, and it will be shipped in the first week of December.
Starter Box shipping in December and Nights of Payne Town Case #5
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 01:18:35 PM
Hello there, mortals in search of the ultimate truth,
This is our monthly update to let you know the Son of Oak creative machine is going at full steam! Yours truly is writing, Eran is editing, Omer is producing, Manuel is layouting, art by Marcin and others is done, and the printers are printing.
The first batch of goodies - including dice, the Starter Box, and Character Folios - should all be in the warehouse by the end of November, and shipping in early December. If you ordered some of these, we will ask you to update your address with specific instructions how to do so in our next update.
You will receive these items, and any remaining items from the Core Books and accessories, regardless of whether you are waiting for Nights of Payne Town or Shadows & Showdowns. In other words, you won’t have to wait for the full print run to complete in order to get what is ready. Having said that, please be aware that with the Covid pandemic still affecting shipping everywhere, much can change in our estimations over the next two months.
Our next release, currently scheduled for early release this Sunday (watch for an email from DriveThruRPG), is Cult of the God-King, the 5th case in Nights of Payne Town. This one took longer to develop and write because it is a double-sized case (the biggest case in the book, estimated 4-6 sessions) and takes up most of the Mystical Vein of NoPT.
In the Mystical Vein, your heroes investigate and confront someone or something that is meddling with the occult -- and with people’s Mythoi! Cult of the God-King takes a headlong dive into the esoteric, black-juju subcultures of the City: archaeologists and smugglers, cryptic guides and dark mentors, cultists and occultists. All of these clash in the cobbled streets of the Old Quarter alongside a mysterious book store, the dark halls of the University, an archaeological dig site, candle-lit catacombs, and many many more eerie locations. And just in time for Halloween!
The best thing about Cult of the God-King is that each PC can interact with it in a completely different way: there are riddles and lore (for researchers), heists (for smugglers), fights (for cult busters), and most excitingly tons of MC advice for taking a PC through a spiritual journey, with all the dangers involved. Crew members can easily find themselves on opposite sides of the search after arcane power and knowledge!
I know many of you are holding out for the expansion books - I am too, because I can’t wait to hold all this beautiful art and design packed with great stories in my hands. As we’ve said in previous updates, we are printing what is ready first, to expedite the process, utilize our management bandwidth, and also to replenish our stock so we can continue to sustain ourselves as a business in these crazy times.
S&S, NoPT, the Crime Board Map, and the Into The Mist slipcase set will all go to print when Nights of Payne Town is completed. Only then will we have a concrete timeline for print and shipping that is more than an educated estimate. Until then, we’ll give you constant updates on our progress combined with juicy early-access releases.
That’s it for now. Let us know if you have any questions in the comments!
Print run is underway, Amnesia Town gifted to backers, and Character Folio PDFs are now available!
over 4 years ago
– Tue, Sep 08, 2020 at 07:13:57 PM
Hi there magical urban heroes,
It's September 8th, and we’re here with a short City of Mist progress update!
A few production updates
After a few weeks of final preparations of materials, the first batch of City of Mist content is starting print this week. If things go to plan, we’re expecting some items to ship as soon as November. This will include the Starter Box and the Character Folio Pack (or Extra Character Pack).
Work on Nights of Payne Town’s mystical vein is still ongoing and we’re hoping to release more content from it in the coming weeks, namely Cult of the God-King and The Alchemist, the two cases that follow The Furnace, which was released to backers and pre-orders last month.
We’re gifting Amnesia Town to backers!
The original KS exclusive Amnesia Town, which is a Gatekeeper-heavy case based in Suburbia, is in the final stages of a short makeover. Due to the release of Shadows & Showdowns and the Suits Unveiled chapter, that delves into the Gatekeeper organization, we thought it fitting to rework parts of this case and update it so it's compatible with S&S.
Amnesia Town will be given to backers and pre-orders as a gift next week, so watch your mailbox or DriveThruRPG library for a welcomed surprise.
Character Folio Pack PDF now available!
As mentioned before, the Character Folio Pack is headed to print. The complete Character Folio Pack PDF was sent to people who backed for it or pre-ordered it on our online store. You can find it on your DriveThruRPG library or in the download center.
These Character Folio Pack includes Bassie, Bodhi, and Ghostface, who will join the character folios of “Baby New”, Lance, Mairead, and Scarlet, whose PDFs have already been sent to backers and pre-orders.
These 7 new characters join the original cast of 7 characters - Declan L'Estrange, Excalibur, Flicker, Kitsune, Mitosis, Post-Mortem, and Salamander, redone with an improved HOW TO PLAY section, tag combos, and theme improvements - to form the Character Folio Pack.
If you haven’t backed for it or pre-ordered it, you can get it here.
Quick note on DriveThruRPG caching
Last month we received feedback from backers who were unable to access the updated files for Shadows & Showdowns and Nights of Payne Town. We have reached out to everyone and have managed to help them resolve the issue.
Seeing as this was quite widespread we wanted to tell everyone that refreshing or deleting the cache files from your browser’s history will help when dealing with similar issues. If anyone is still unable to download S&S or the August update for NoPT please reach out to us at [email protected], or directly to me at [email protected], and we’ll gladly resolve your issue.
That’s it for today. Stay safe and keep gaming!
Starter Box is heading to print, two extra characters for Character Folio Pack, S&S is out in PDF, and more...
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 09:18:11 AM
Hi there mythical beings in mundane form,
It's August 7th, so we’re here with another City of Mist update!
The Starter Box is heading to print!
Now that work on Shadows & Showdowns is complete, we’re preparing for wave 2 of the print run. As we’ve done previously with the PDF releases, this print run will be rolled out over a two months period and will allow us to send out long-awaited products to customers more quickly.
We’ll start with products that are already finalized and ready for print, including the Starter Box and the Character Folio Pack, and add more items to the print run as they are made ready. This will create a rolling stream of printing, freight, and shipping.
We’re estimating that shipping will start around October-November 2020, with a second pulse of shipments about 2 months after that. We will provide constant updates as we progress.
Two extra characters for the Character Folio Pack
We’re expanding the roster for the Character Folio Pack, which will now feature a total of 14 pregen character folios, two more than the initial plan for 12 character folios in the pack.
The newly created characters of Bassie (Bastet) and Bodhi (Bodhidharma) will join the cast of characters available in this product, adding more diversity and helping to showcase three out of the six new themebooks available in Shadows & Showdowns - Enclave, Familiar, and Struggle.
Shadow&Showdowns is out in PDF
The long-awaited expansion to the City of Mist setting is finally out on PDF (and in your DriveThruRPG folder if you pledged for it). The book is divided into 4 chapters that provide new rules, useful tools and much more content! This 300-page mega-expansion for City of Mist includes:
"If Dreams Could Kill" - all-new character creation and development tools
"Overlooked Attractions" - 40 random City encounters, exotic locations, and dangerous NPCs
"Don't Believe the Truth" - 6 detailed Avatar operations for Tanha (Desire), Shango, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Romeo & Juliet, Prometheus, and Ganesha
"Suits Unveiled" - the complete guide to the Mist and the Gatekeepers as adversaries and as PCs!
For backers who ordered NoPT: The Furnace, the 4th case out of Nights of Payne Town, has been added to the NoPT preview file on DriveThruRPG. This case explores a new trend in the secret underworld of Rifts in the City: a wish-fulfilling substance called “Candy” and its troubling effects on the Rifts who use it. This is the opening case for the mystical vein, the second vein of the Nights of Payne Town story arc.
The entire SoO team is focused on delivering Nights of Payne Town to you in the same way we did with the S&S rollout. By the end of this month, we’re planning to release the remainder of the mystical vein with Cult of the God-King and The Alchemist; followed by the completion of the criminal vein next month.
Gambling with Death is out on Roll20
A second City of Mist module joins the Starter Set on Roll20. Gambling with Death can be played as a standalone or as a prequel/sequel episode to the Starter Set’s Shark Tank.
Investigate the strange, untimely death of Ashley Lind who allegedly jumped off the roof of the Royal Plaza Casino in the dead of night. Uncover the mythical forces working behind the scenes and bring those responsible to justice.
This module is now available on the Roll20 marketplace and includes the full case, 14 new tokens, 3 new maps, and a casino-themed wallpaper -- all unique to the Roll20 version.
That's it from us. Stay safe and keep gaming.
A new themebook preview, wrapping up Shadows & Showdowns, and a new Roll20 module!
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Jul 08, 2020 at 02:20:27 AM
Hi there folk heroes in everyday garb,
It's the 7th, which means it's time for another City of Mist update!
We are working diligently to complete all files required to begin the Wave 2 print run, which includes the Starter Box. We're glad to announce Shadows & Showdowns is just about done. We'll be releasing the complete PDF book to backers who backed for it (and pre-orders) next week! We'll continue to work on the remaining part of Nights of Payne Town, following which we go to print.
With chapter 2, 3, and 4 of S&S already released, Chapter 1: If Dreams Could Kill is the last piece in the S&S puzzle. Unlike the other world-building chapters, this chapter is dedicatedentirely to players and player characters, offering themebooks (already released), character concept guide, 50 new badass veteran improvements, and ready-to-use theme kits for Relics, Familiars, and more!
We're also excited to share with you a potential themebook that may be included in S&S, the 27th themebook for City of Mist (quick check: PG: 7 Mythos, 7 Logos, 1 crew, 3 extra; S&S: 4 Mythos, 1 Logos, 3 Mist). This new Logos themebook -- Burden -- opens up the possibility of playing characters that are defined by the hardship they go through or the hidden pain that they carry and somehow have grown through this, whether through bitter survival or sheet empowerment.
The Burden themebook touches on a lot of sensitive subjects, from social injustices, to mental health, to physical limitation. With all that is going on in the world, we wanted to put the tools in your hands to reflect hardship in your characters. Some players may like this while other won't, so we included advice about how to use it in your game.
We also leave the definition of what is "a burden" to you, the player; we understand different people include different things in the category of hardship and we unequivocally encourage those who don't want to be defined by their life circumstances. In contrast, characters in a narrative, especially in noir stories, are often defined through the burden they feel they carry and so we felt this was an interesting themebook to explore.
We sent you a copy of the Burden themebooks via DriveThruRPG. Check it out and tell us your thoughts in the comments or in a message - do you think it adds to the game? Should it be included in S&S with the other new themebooks? Is there a way we should change this themebook or improve it?
Also coming next week is the Roll20 module for Gambling With Death so you can play this classic case with friends online! If you liked this iconic casino case (included in the MC Toolkit), you'll love the maps and tokens we created especially for the Roll20 version. Once it is released, you'll find it on our Roll20 publisher page: https://marketplace.roll20.net/browse/publisher/476/son-of-oak-game-studio
That's it for today. Stay tuned for out next update!